Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Ridley Grove Community Development Project â⬠MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Ridley Grove Community Development Project. Answer: Introduction: Before discussing the other aspects of the project, we need a thorough historical knowledge and background of the project. The Ridley Grove Community Garden is a community project that focuses on the organic gardening, community art, permaculture principles and sustainability. It is located at 66 Ridley Grove, Adelaide, South Australia (sacommunity.org. 2017). The local residents with the funding from a local property developer established this community project in the year 2008 (communitywebs.org. 2017). It is developed in the car parking of the old community church. The project reflects a well organized planning that properly communicates the reasons behind it. The first step taken by the members is to clear out the grasses that they did with a herd of goats. This is probably the best sustainable way of performing the task. They have changed the surface of dolomite and gravel into garden beds (permaculturenews.org. 2017). The children of the community schools were first encouraged to plant native trees in the landmark (rochedalecommunitygarden.net.au. 2017). The working bees are held from 9.30am to 12.00pm on the first Saturday of each month. Volunteers are also allowed to tend the Ridley Grove garden on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Various events are organized in the garden that are children, pet and disabled friendly (communitywebs.org. 2017). There is no entry fee for participating in any of the events organized by the community and outsiders can participate in the events. This is a fascinating and fun project uphold by the community project. The government of Adelaide appreciates the approach taken by the community and supports their cause. There are no issues faced by the community for the governments part and freely operates. The food consumed by the people are often imported form around the globe even the same could be grow in the Australian environment. Moreover, the current food system contributes to green house gas emissions and facilitates in creating a sense of disconnect between the food and the people. The project aims to contribute in connecting the food chain with the people and speaks for a better environment (communitywebs.org. 2017). The community aims to use the garden following a number of sustainable gardening principles. The goal is to use the minimal energy taken from out side the community and grow organic vegetables. They expect to reduce the Carbone footprint by following these organic gardening. As it is a non-profit-project, runs on the donations from both the insiders and outsiders of the community. One can donate in various modes such as financial, tree sponsorship, or even recyclable goods (communitywebs.org. 2017). Informal and formal authority All the members of the community takes part in the decision making process in the project. This is a project uphold by the Ridley Grove community to promote sustainable gardening. Hence, opinion of every community member is taken under consideration for the development of the project. The stakeholders from outside of the community are heartily welcomed to participate in the project (communitywebs.org. 2017). It promotes the ideology of the project. So, what makes the Ridley Community Garden unique? The key features of the community project are: Permaculture principles used in sustainable, organic gardening Grows fruit tress and rare plants Raised garden beds Decoration of native garden trail and butterfly Nursery area Undercover workshop space Wood fuelled pizza oven Op-shop on Thursday, Friday and Saturday (earthwiseharmony.com. 2017) Approach to Community Development The project carries the message of community development. They have taken various approaches for fulfilling the aims and goals of community development. They are urban biodiversity, sustainable use of resources, community education and engagement and harvesting the suburbs with edible native plants. They are following the organic farming to grow local diversified species of plants for increasing the biodiversity in the urban area. They are planting endemic plants to bring back the native butterflies. The group uses recyclable materials for achieving the sustainable growth. Four of their large tanks helps them to store rainwater that they use in gardening (communitywebs.org. 2017). On the other hand, the workshops organized by the volunteers are of low cost that conveys the message of environmentally gardening. The workshops also develops the concept of ecosystem, sustainability, environmental practices and many more that are useful for both children and elders. Their campaign of plan ting native edible plants around the suburb facilitates in reducing the carbon footprint and the message to the local people (communitywebs.org. 2017). According to Hart (2013), the children of modern age have entered the environment that is threatening the future environment and life. Hence, it is important to teach them, the old generation as well to use the resources judiciously, and participating in sustainable development. Hence, Ridley Grove community garden is a worthy attempt to start this with gardening to reduce the Carbone footprint in the nature. Hart and many others argue that the green environment is constantly decreasing in a rapid speed. Biodiversity is less likely to be seen, especially in the urban sectors (Alaimo, Reischl and Allen 2010). The step taken by the community to plant indigenous varieties of trees around the community and Adelaide as well serves the purpose of increasing biodiversity in the urban society. Green and Hains (2015) work argues about the community development and sustainable development and why it is necessary. They also identifies the assets in the community that is possible to utilize in t he sustainable development. Moreover, they highlight three models of community development that useful for community development. Use of the community assets is visible in Ridley Groves community garden project, where they use the recyclable materials of the community and donation they receive as well. They also follow the self-help development model as proposed by the authors. The community project educates the community member of the sustainable gardening and encourages them to take part in the cause. Conclusion We can conclude from the discussion, that Ridley Grove Community Garden project is a successful in attempt in sustainable community development. They have clear aims, goals, and utilizing their resourcing in a compatible way to encourage community people to take part in the project and bring sustainable development in the community level. Their approach successfully attracts the children participating in the cause and enjoy their time being involved. References Alaimo, K., Reischl, T.M. and Allen, J.O., 2010. Community gardening, neighborhood meetings, and social capital.Journal of community psychology,38(4), pp.497-514. communitywebs.org. 2017.Ridley Grove Community Garden. [online] Available at: https://www.communitywebs.org/RGCG/ [Accessed 30 Sep. 2017]. communitywebs.org. 2017.Sustainability. [online] Available at: https://www.communitywebs.org/RGCG/sustain.php [Accessed 30 Sep. 2017]. earthwiseharmony.com. 2017.RGCD Adelaid. [online] Available at: https://earthwiseharmony.com/GARDENS/EH-Ridley-Grove-Community-Garden-Adelaide-South-Australia.html [Accessed 30 Sep. 2017]. Green, G.P. and Haines, A., 2015.Asset building community development. Sage publications. Hart, R.A., 2013.Children's participation: The theory and practice of involving young citizens in community development and environmental care. Routledge. permaculturenews.org. 2017.Explore RGCD. [online] Available at: https://permaculturenews.org/2012/03/24/lets-explore-ridley-grove-community-garden-adelaide-south-australia/ [Accessed 30 Sep. 2017]. rochedalecommunitygarden.net.au. 2017.Growing Community. [online] Available at: https://rochedalecommunitygarden.net.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Growing_Community_Booklet_part_4.pdf [Accessed 30 Sep. 2017]. sacommunity.org. 2017.RGCD. [online] Available at: https://sacommunity.org/org/207767-Ridley_Grove_Community_Garden [Accessed 30 Sep. 2017].
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